Spoofing PC pgs
This is my first time spoofing on a pc. I understand all the cooldowns for the teleporting but whenever I teleport all my encounters just flee after the first roll of the pokeball. Am i doing something wrong? If you need more information for this question just ask it in the comments and i will answer
6 Replies
Did you turn on your Cooldown Timer overlay in Pgsharp settings
regarding #📱│cooldown-softban-rules , you can also just make sure you didn't do anything within the past 2 hours that might trigger your CD . you can check your Profile -> Journal to see logs of what you've done recently .
keep in mind that if you trigger your Cooldown , there's a bug that'll reset the time back to 00:00 if you accidentally spin a pokestop even if the CD is not over yet .
If you can give context on what you're exactly trying to do , I can help more than what I already mentioned .
@brakezs , beep .
yup do i need to wait the full timer to catch the pokemon itself?
if you're hunting shundos , yes .
peeps just click on the Pokémon to get to the Encounter Screen and wait the 2h till catching it .
if you're confident you didn't do anything that'd trigger CD in your account from the past 2h then you can just catch it right away .
you're welcome , feel free to pop up in #💬│chatroom if you encounter issues or have any question
I usually do my teleporting after not playing for a few hours. this way i don't have to wait but yes you have to hav enot caught any pokemnon or done anything for entire time period before that timer.