Wiki talk

discuss about Creatorsgarten Wiki as well as Contentsgarten
9 Replies
dtinthOP2y ago
wysiwyg editing. a few people prefer to also have WYSIWYG editing in the wiki so it feels more familiar for people who are used to Notion. some editor component choices have been nominated:
dtinthOP2y ago
- @betich mentioned - @dtinth mentioned - @rayriffy mentioned - would also like to help implement
Novel – AI-powered Notion-style editor – Vercel
A Notion-style WYSYWIG editor with AI-powered autocompletions, built with Tiptap, OpenAI, and Vercel AI SDK.
GitHub - Doist/typist: The mighty Tiptap-based rich-text editor tha...
The mighty Tiptap-based rich-text editor that powers Doist products. - GitHub - Doist/typist: The mighty Tiptap-based rich-text editor that powers Doist products.
GitHub - udecode/plate: The rich-text editor framework for React.
The rich-text editor framework for React. Contribute to udecode/plate development by creating an account on GitHub.
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dtinthOP2y ago since we are using Liquid, YAML front matter, and custom syntax so extensively, what do you think about having a region in the Markdown file that gets replaced with WYSIWYG component? e.g. denoted with <!-- wysiwyg-start --> and <!-- wysiwyg-end -->
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dtinthOP2y ago
both Plate and Typist support Markdown input/output, but it may not support all syntaxes we use
dtinthOP2y ago
I tried out Plate+Slate but found that it’s much harder to set up than Typist. So I implemented a PoC with Typist for now. To use the rich text editor, uncheck the Use plain text editor checkbox. PR:
Implement a WYSIWYG editor by dtinth · Pull Request #174 · creators...
I tried Plate (based on Slate) but I couldn't get it to reliably convert Markdown text and the setup is very complicated with a lot of plug-ins that has to be set up. In later comments, I switc...
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betich2y ago
จริง ๆ อยากได้ระบบ search ด้วยนะฮะ นั่งหาบทความบางเรื่องแล้วจำ keyword ไม่ได้
dtinthOP2y ago
I created a Google custom search box here — Can you try and see if you can find the content you want using this search box? If it works well, we may integrate it as an MVP version. Good thing about our wiki being public is Google can easily index it.
betich2y ago
yup, works as expected

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