Bucket size increasing randomly
Like 2 days ago my bucket size was around
and today i check and its 1.55GB
. Im not doing any uploads or anything, its increasing randomly.
i checked earlier and it was like 1.52GB
then a couple hours later i refresh and its 1.53GB
anyone have any idea whats happening?12 Replies
If you go to the metrics tab, do you see storage increasing there? If so, do you see any Class A Operations around the same time? If your bucket is completely inactive, shouldn't be any except from ones the dashboard itself generates, maybe some Class B's from custom domain. If your bucket is inactive you may need to switch to weekly or you might see some gaps in the data, iirc there's only data reported if the bucket is active, and/or if you switch to a long enough timespan that it fills it in, which is kind of silly
ya looks like here it starts increasing, but theres no writes or anything

theres anywhere from 2-10 class A/B operations here and there
this is from the last week
this is from the last 30 mins. Does the dashboard do class A operations?

it does yea, lists and such
there's no correspondence between Class As in the last 6 hours and storage rising though? The most common cause I can think of for random ups/down is Multipart uploads, which consume space if they are pending and never finished, and only remove themselves after 7 days.
ya, i changed the multipart thing to 1day to see if it'll fix it, just waiting for now
1.56 now xd

this is the last 6 hours

also, is there a better way to view the files in the bucket, maybe through cli?
like be able to sort them by size or something
there's quite a few third party s3 viewers you could use with R2's S3-compat
something like this?
S3 Browser | An online S3 Client tool that rocks!
An online S3 browser to explore your S3 buckets from your browser
Would i need to change any permissions or anything to be able to use this
nvm i got it working