socketio not communicating

Got a UUID on the client but just receiving empty string on the server IDK why
1 Reply
ZachOP2y ago
socket.on("join", (uuid, cb) => {
console.log(`game ${uuid} joined`); // Empty string
console.log(typeof uuid); // string
console.log(uuid.length); // 0
socket.on("join", (uuid, cb) => {
console.log(`game ${uuid} joined`); // Empty string
console.log(typeof uuid); // string
console.log(uuid.length); // 0
socket.emit('join', uuid, (confirm, previousDrops) => {
console.log(`joining ${uuid}`) // has correct UUID
socket.emit('join', uuid, (confirm, previousDrops) => {
console.log(`joining ${uuid}`) // has correct UUID
ok it seems socketio callbacks are not synchronous going to avoid using callbacks then

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