new Argo Tunnel has Error 1033

I just created a tunnel with cloudflared. it works perfectly with the randomly generated URL cloudflared provides me. I want it to be under my domain, so I have ran cloudflared tunnel route dns tunnel_name when I try to access, I get Error 1033. The randomly generated URL still works. Am I doing something wrong on my setup? I followed this steps:
Via the command line · Cloudflare Zero Trust docs
Follow this step-by-step guide to get your first tunnel up and running using the CLI.
2 Replies
Chaika2y ago
Only the QuickTunnels / Try Cloudflare Tunnels have the random URLs Sounds like you're running that rather then the actual tunnel config, try cloudflared tunnel run <name or uuid> ps. Cloudflare Tunnels can be setup/managed from within the Dashboard:, and that is definently the recommended way now, much easier, all gui and does a lot of stuff for you automatically, like creating dns records for you
luguiOP2y ago
yep, that was the problem! I had to use run thanks =)

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