Positioning things and making them responsive

Hello everyone, hope everyone is doing okay. So this is the project that I am working on and pay attention to the logos in the design (Walmart, JP Morgan, VISA, Tinder, SAMSUNG, Verizon) so you can see that they're positioned differently in the three types of screen sizes Mobile, Tablet, PC so my question is: How do I position them differently in different screen sizes? when providing your answer please Include the HTML too. Thanks !
8 Replies
Jochem2y ago
looks like they're just using flex with flex-wrap on
Adhurim Gashi
Adhurim GashiOP2y ago
I figured that but can u show me how to do wrap them within a container and how many contaners I have to use?
novasingh2y ago
@jochemm you can position your logos using two ways first is flex and flex wrap and second is grid and grid-templates-columns with minmax value so that will automatically fit according to you layout and you need also use the media queries with that logos to make it responsive
Jochem2y ago
Grid is another option yeah
novasingh2y ago
Yes you can also use that
Adhurim Gashi
Adhurim GashiOP2y ago
I used flex wrap on the ul, and it did make it closer to looking like in the design, but I still don't understand how to use flex wrap correctly and how to make it look exactly like the design is asking for, the main problems I am facing are to not know wether I only need a ul parent to make it look like in the design or more and how do use the media queries to make it look excatly like in the design.
Jochem2y ago
share your code somewhere people can look at it live, otherwise we're all just guessing at what we're talking about check out #How To Ask Good Questions for resources on how to do that

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