C#13mo ago

✅ Convert from string to Type?

public class Foo
public string MyTypeInString = "Foo";

public static class SomeFunctions
public static MyFunction<T>(T input)

public class Program
public static void Main()
Foo f = new();
public class Foo
public string MyTypeInString = "Foo";

public static class SomeFunctions
public static MyFunction<T>(T input)

public class Program
public static void Main()
Foo f = new();
How do I get that ConvertToType(this string) function? I believe it should be possible.
3 Replies
ero13mo ago
it'll definitely never be possible like that you would need to invoke the MyFunction method entirely through reflection you can't pass an instance of Type as a generic argument
Thinker13mo ago
Generics are purely for compile-time types
arch_il13mo ago
aah i see. thanks for help
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