Looking for free Gold?

This trick only works if you are in a guild. First step, Get a friend you trust -> Put up a trade that you would swap back and forth -> Your friend will earn 100 gold per trade. Then, ask him for a trade as well. Profit. WARNING. Each time you trade, you use a token. Each time you put up the trade, you use a token. 1. ONLY the person who accepts the trade gets 100 gold. 2. I don't have to say this, but your trade might be intercepted by another guild mate... sooooooooo. Places to get tokens. 1. Shop. 2. Guild Shop. Go to guild trade -> top right when you see tokens -> buy tokens with your guild tokens.
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7 Replies
buraimuOP2y ago
🔱 Frimirno
🔱 Frimirno2y ago
I'm trying to get this done with my guild only with common since noone uses them everyone offers half their token and accept for the othe half it requires fair play and participants of course
Event Horizon
Event Horizon2y ago
Don’t do this they have said they are going to ban people who use this exploit along with infinite gem and key bugs.
Jonny2y ago
Tell me more about key bugs
Kenbelle2y ago
It's not an exploit when it's literally the game mechanics.
buraimuOP2y ago
You are using a resource to gain resource. It isn't a bug or exploit
Uget1diddy2y ago
@buraimu @Kenbelle @the.niklas @An Event Horizon did any bans go out for this?

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