Transition after hiding flex child

I have 3 flex children in a row, set to 100% width, so it spaces evenly. Now, using js, I'm hiding one conditionally, and I'd like a short transition to make the change a little more organic, but I'm not sure how best to approach it. What I've tried so far is to add transition: width 500ms ease-in; to all 3 of the flex items. The hope was that the expansion of width would trigger it, but it doesn't. I'm not sure if it can be done, or if I've explained what I'm trying to do, but if anyone has a suggestion, I'd love to hear it.
10 Replies
Wolle2y ago
Transitioning width and height does not work with % (and auto), sadly. Since its flex, you could a) try flex-basis instead of width (but I think it won't work either) or b) set a very high px value, that can be transitioned then. width: 9999px; instead of width: 100%; if you then set width: 0px; it should transition.
NoxOP2y ago
Setting a px width means the items aren't staying within their container. I did suspect it was an issue of using percentage, though, as it doesn't change to trigger the transition.
phyrasaur2y ago
I use flex-grow with flex-basis: 0; min-width: 0
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phyrasaur2y ago
click on the element, I use onclick because tw playground cannot add js hee
NoxOP2y ago
flex: 1; min-width: 0; transition: flex-grow 1s; Like this it at least still looks right (evenly split, stays in container), but the transition doesn't trigger. I've tried a few different ways (I have an eventlistener on a <select> that sets hidden=true on certain changes)
phyrasaur2y ago
on <select>? you mean you have multiple <select> elements in one row?
NoxOP2y ago
yeah, two select elements and an input. And on the first select element is an eventlistener that sets hidden=true on the second select
phyrasaur2y ago
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phyrasaur2y ago
click run first
NoxOP2y ago
right you are, I hadn't considered transitionend - thanks :)

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