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When I am trying to send a message to a user via bot it says object Object
22 Replies
• What's your exact discord.js
npm list discord.js
and node node -v
• Post the full error stack trace, not just the top part!
• Show your code!
• Explain what exactly your issue is.
• Not a discord.js issue? Check out your code
thats not your code
first of all i have no clue how that even works because interaction.users isnt a thing
its interaction.user
and .send takes a single param
and you need to specify what you .get
.getString, .getUser, etc
the .get('id') works, then how can I fix the .send so it can actually send it?
use a single param
and no your .get does not work
since what you are sending is just ${id} as the second parameter does not exist and is ignored
so it dmed the runner
since .get returns an object, you're stringifying the object and thus sending Object object
so use .getX
with x being your type
okay and how I use a single param?
by not separating it with a , , basic js
oh okay, the docs was saying it has a ,
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oh okay
thank you!
I will fix the code
I changed the .get to .getString('id') but it now has an error
show that error
show your code
Around line 45
I fixed it, I was being stupid
thank you for your help!