C#β€’13mo ago

❔ Access button from another script

So im trying to make a settings window for my app and i want a check box so when you click it 2 buttons on the main window become visible but i dont know how to access thos buttons from the settings script
98 Replies
ZacharyPattenβ€’13mo ago
we need more info. What kind of code base are we dealing with here? Winforms? WPF? Avalonia? Unity? etc. but regardless, you generally have one class per file if you are following C# conventions. And if you want to access members f another class, you just need an instance/reference of that class and you need the members you need to access to be public.
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
sorry forgot to add what i was using im using winforms
ZacharyPattenβ€’13mo ago
accessing code members from another file in winforms is no different from having multiple files in a console application or any C# project type. you just need an instance/reference of the object to edit and the member must be public. the easiest way for us to help would be for you to share your code. if you can share your code please do
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
Main Form
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
Settings Form
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace WFA_CoinFlipTracker
public partial class Settings : Form
public Settings()

private void cbSideSelecter_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (cbSideSelecter.Checked)

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace WFA_CoinFlipTracker
public partial class Settings : Form
public Settings()

private void cbSideSelecter_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (cbSideSelecter.Checked)

ZacharyPattenβ€’13mo ago
You have quite a few problems with your code. but I'll focus on the problem you asked about in this thread. If you want to edit your main form from the settings form you need a reference to the main form. For example you add this...
private Form1 MainForm { get; set; }

public Settings(Form1 mainForm)
MainForm = mainForm;
private Form1 MainForm { get; set; }

public Settings(Form1 mainForm)
MainForm = mainForm;
to your settings form. then you would have a constructor that would take in a reference to your main form. and in your main form change
settingsForm = new Settings();
settingsForm = new Settings();
settingsForm = new Settings(this);
settingsForm = new Settings(this);
then if you want to change anything in the main from from your settings form, you would just MainForm.WhatYouWantToChange = WhatToChangeItTo;
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
ZacharyPattenβ€’13mo ago
read the compiler errors they will help you
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
ZacharyPattenβ€’13mo ago
and what do you think that error means?
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
idk how to change the protection level of a property...
ZacharyPattenβ€’13mo ago
what is happening is that btnTSide is defined as a private field and you cannot access private fields from other classes cause that is how private works
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
i know that
ZacharyPattenβ€’13mo ago
so you need to expose it. I would not recommend editing the Xxx.designer.cs file, which is where the button is defined instead... I would make a public member to expose what you need to be public for example you could add public Button ButtonTSide => btTSide; to your code for the main form then you have a public property that exposes the private button and you could do MainForm.ButtonTSide.Visible = true; instead of trying to access btnTSide in your settings form give it a shot
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
So theres no errors but it dose nothing when i check the box
ZacharyPattenβ€’13mo ago
put a breakpoint
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
Im still very new to C# so idk what that is yet
ZacharyPattenβ€’13mo ago
ZacharyPattenβ€’13mo ago
you click where that red dot it in my screencap that will add what is called a "breakpoint" when you debug your app in visuals studio by clicking the green start triangle at the top and your code reaches that breakpoint, it will stop executing your code at the breakpoint so you can look at what your code is doing another option is to start your code by pressing F10 or F11 those are the "Step Over" and "Step Into" hotkeys they let you walk through your code line by line and watch what it does learning how to debug code is a vital skill for a software developer so the sooner you get started learning how to debug, the better πŸ™‚ it will help you improve
ZacharyPattenβ€’13mo ago
Tutorial: Debug C# code - Visual Studio (Windows)
Learn features of the Visual Studio debugger and how to start the debugger, step through code, and inspect data in a C# application.
ZacharyPattenβ€’13mo ago
the reason I'm encouraging you to debug your code is because it is likely your code isn't reaching your MainForm.ButtonTSide.Visible = true; line you need to figure out why your code never reaches that line I can't really help you because I don't have your full code in order to run it myself to see what it is doing if you can share the entire code via a github repo then we could tell you exactly what is happening πŸ™‚
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
im uploading the files now
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
is the obj file needed?
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
@ZP β–‘β–’β–“β–ˆβ”œβ– ΜΆΛΎΜΆΝžβ– β”€β–ˆβ–“β–’β–‘
ZacharyPattenβ€’13mo ago
no. you should have a ".gitignore" file that will exclude the bin and obj folders. had to step away from computer but will send screenshot when back explaining
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
GitHub - PhoenixXeme/temp
Contribute to PhoenixXeme/temp development by creating an account on GitHub.
ZacharyPattenβ€’13mo ago
awesome. will give it a look once back at my pc in a few minutes
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
when i get to the check box
ZacharyPattenβ€’13mo ago
I would select to "no" and just keep going (ignore that) so, based on the current code in your github repo, the "T" button is always visible you want the checkbox to toggle it right? if that is the case, I would recommend changing your settings form to:
public Settings(Form1 mainForm)
MainForm = mainForm;
cbSideSelecter.Checked = MainForm.ButtonTSide.Visible;

private void cbSideSelecter_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
MainForm.ButtonTSide.Visible = cbSideSelecter.Checked;
public Settings(Form1 mainForm)
MainForm = mainForm;
cbSideSelecter.Checked = MainForm.ButtonTSide.Visible;

private void cbSideSelecter_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
MainForm.ButtonTSide.Visible = cbSideSelecter.Checked;
then, when you construct your settings form, the checkbox will default to the current state of the button being visible or not, and when you check the checkbox, the button's visibility will toggle with the checkbox being toggled
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
and now i need it for CT button XD
ZacharyPattenβ€’13mo ago
Is the "T" button working like you expect?
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
yea all works fine but why is it so annoying to access it 😭
ZacharyPattenβ€’13mo ago
I'm not sure what you mean by "annoying to access it"
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
i mean why do you have to do all that why cant it be more simple anyway i just need to do one more thing check if the check box from settings is checked in form1 😦
ZacharyPattenβ€’13mo ago
well keep in mind this is how you have decided to design the app. There are other ways to handle settings they might make it easier to handle. but don't worry about that right now. focus on finishing your app. you can always change it in the future if you end u wanting to as for the "CT" button, are you wanting the same checkbox to toggle the visibility of both the "T" and "CT" buttons? or do you want another checkbox to handle the "CT" button?
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
no it all works when i uncheck it
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
the reson i want this is because i want to log the side but if the box is uncheck i want it to log nothing
ZacharyPattenβ€’13mo ago
sorry im not following what you the app to do. can you elaborate and/or rephrase? What is not working in your app currently?
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
when the box is unchecked i dont want it to write "T" or "CT"
ZacharyPattenβ€’13mo ago
can you push the latest code to your github? you have made changes on your PC that we cant see yet at your github repo
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
can we call and i screen share ?
ZacharyPattenβ€’13mo ago
I'm a little busy for a screen share at the moment (I'm technically still workign my day job currently πŸ˜„ ) but I may have time in like 4 hours πŸ˜› so no sorry not now but if you update your code on Github we can probably assist still
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
GitHub - PhoenixXeme/temp
Contribute to PhoenixXeme/temp development by creating an account on GitHub.
ZacharyPattenβ€’13mo ago
are you struggling to use github? when you make a repo you want to add a .gitignore. that will help you out a lot:
ZacharyPattenβ€’13mo ago
then you won't have to update individual files
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
ahhhh still new to github XD
ZacharyPattenβ€’13mo ago
yeah you were making your life 1000x harder πŸ˜›
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
bruh and then what files do i upload?
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
ZacharyPattenβ€’13mo ago
I have to go offline for a while now (getting busy with work)... but I will try to help out later... but there are plenty of people on this server besides me who can help you too if you have a good .gitignore file then you can just push everything that is not ignored. The "Visual Studio" .gitignore file on github will exclude everything that you don't need in your repo for C# applications. If you eventually try to learn other programming languages like Rust for example, then you would likely want a different .gitignore specifically for Rust (not C#)
friediceβ€’13mo ago
are you dragging and dropping files to github?
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
these are the files i drag and drop
friediceβ€’13mo ago
if you're using visual studio, it has a built in git control
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
friediceβ€’13mo ago
so you can push and pull without having to do it manually
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
ok i didnt know that
friediceβ€’13mo ago
dont need to learn the syntax either recommended, but baby steps wonder if there is a git tag $git
MODiXβ€’13mo ago
Git commands Cheat Sheet Initialize a new qit repository: git init Set configuration values for your username and email: git config --global user.name <your-name> git config --global user.email <your-email> Clone a repository: git clone <repository-url> Add a file to the staging area: git add <file> Add all files changes to the staging area: git add . Check the unstaged changes: git diff Commit the staged changes: git commit -m "Message" Reset staging area to the last commit: git reset Check the state of the working directory and the staging area: git status Remove a file from the index and working directory: git rm β€Ήfile> List the commit history: git log Check the metadata and content changes of the commit: git show <commit-hash> Lists all local branches: git branch Create a new branch: git switch -c <branch-name> git branch <branch-name> Rename the current branch: git branch -m <new-branch-name> Delete a branch: git branch -d <branch-name> Switch to another branch: git switch <branch-name> git checkout <branch-name> Merge specified branch into the current branch: git merge <branch-name> Create a new connection to a remote repository: git remote add <name> <repository-url> Push the committed changes to a remote repository: git push <remote> <branch> Download the content from a remote repository: git pull <remote> Cleanup unnecessary files and optimize the local repository: git gc Temporarily remove uncommitted changes and save them for later use: git stash Reapply previously stashed changes git stash apply
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
friediceβ€’13mo ago
yeah so you wanna connect that to your current repo so rightclick on your solution and find the git maybe itll be easier to create a new repo
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
friediceβ€’13mo ago
maybe try the project
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
friediceβ€’13mo ago
friediceβ€’13mo ago
click create git repo here
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
i connected my account
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
friediceβ€’13mo ago
yeah make it a public repo so others can see it, the create and push then you can now go into git changes and pull/push easier
friediceβ€’13mo ago
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
i deleted the repos on github but i still have this
friediceβ€’13mo ago
that should be fine? now the flow should be every time you make a change, commit all + push on the master branch ideally you would create a branch off of master then do a pull request for that but this is fine
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
no the repos is deleted so i cant
friediceβ€’13mo ago
oh, did you need to make the repo public? you couldve done that on github
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
but how do i fix it
friediceβ€’13mo ago
go into manage remotes and try manually removing the origins
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
so now what dose push and pull and fetch do? and new branch
friediceβ€’13mo ago
do you see this on the bottom right? master is your current branch
friediceβ€’13mo ago
git is a vcs, you can probably do more research on that but basically you have a local version of master, and then there is the online version of master
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
friediceβ€’13mo ago
you can do whatever you want in the local version of master, as long as you dont commit and push it, it wont affect the online version of master
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
friediceβ€’13mo ago
when you push your local version of master to online version of master, it will now become master then when someone else pulls that version of master, they will now have your version of master
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
ok i get that so what dose pull do?
friediceβ€’13mo ago
pull just grabs the online version of master and merges it with the local code the local version of master
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
so it just downloads online master and loads it?
friediceβ€’13mo ago
it merges it but yeah
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
wdym "merge"
friediceβ€’13mo ago
its kinda how merge conflicts happen. So user A works on file 1. User A pushes code to master. User B was also working on file 1. User B pulls from master. There is a merge conflict now because git doesnt know which is correct
PhoenixXemeβ€’13mo ago
im just not gonna touch pull then what dose fetch do?
friediceβ€’13mo ago
it just checks if there is a newer version of master avaible to pull in your case you wont need to touch fetch or pull yet, but its good info if you ever do need it thumbsupcat
Accordβ€’13mo ago
Was this issue resolved? If so, run /close - otherwise I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.
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