C#15mo ago

❔ ✅ Basic Tic Tac Toe Checker that uses a 2-D Array

The question says this: This time, you have to write only a checker for the game. It will be a method that takes a 2D array and returns a boolean. If there is a winner, it returns true otherwise false. We use "X" and "O" as signs of our players. The empty places will be filled with numbers from 1 to 9. You have to check 3 types of cases: horizontal; vertical; diagonal; The answer to the code is:
namespace Coding.Exercise
public class TicTacToe
public static bool Checker(string[,] board)
// here we perform horizontal and vertical checks
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (board[i,0] == board[i,1] && board[i,1] == board[i,2])
return true;
if (board[0,i] == board[1,i] && board[1,i] == board[2,i])
return true;
// here diagonal checks
if (board[0,0] == board[1,1] && board[1,1] == board[2,2])
return true;
if (board[0,2] == board[1,1] && board[1,1] == board[2,0])
return true;
return false;
namespace Coding.Exercise
public class TicTacToe
public static bool Checker(string[,] board)
// here we perform horizontal and vertical checks
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (board[i,0] == board[i,1] && board[i,1] == board[i,2])
return true;
if (board[0,i] == board[1,i] && board[1,i] == board[2,i])
return true;
// here diagonal checks
if (board[0,0] == board[1,1] && board[1,1] == board[2,2])
return true;
if (board[0,2] == board[1,1] && board[1,1] == board[2,0])
return true;
return false;
My answer to the code is this:
38 Replies
krixsick15mo ago
namespace Coding.Exercise
public class TicTacToe
public static bool Checker(string[,] board)

for (int i = 0; i < board.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < board.GetLength(1); j++)
if(board[i,0] == board[i,1] && board[i,1] == board[i,2])
return true;
else if(board[0,j] == board[1,j] && board[1,j] == board[2,j]){
return true;
else if(i == j){
return true;
else if(board[0,2] == board[1,1] && board[1,1] == board[2,0]){
return true;
return false;


namespace Coding.Exercise
public class TicTacToe
public static bool Checker(string[,] board)

for (int i = 0; i < board.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < board.GetLength(1); j++)
if(board[i,0] == board[i,1] && board[i,1] == board[i,2])
return true;
else if(board[0,j] == board[1,j] && board[1,j] == board[2,j]){
return true;
else if(i == j){
return true;
else if(board[0,2] == board[1,1] && board[1,1] == board[2,0]){
return true;
return false;


I was wondering if anyone could help me identify how my code is wrong or why the answer code only used for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) and not a nested for loop to access the elements inside the 2-D array
cap5lut15mo ago
1) else if(i == j): if noone won using the coordinate 0, 0, this is check results in true, basically on the first iteration 2) ur diagonal check checks only only one diagonal, but there are 2 diagonals in a square, u are missing the 0,0 -> 1,1 -> 2,2 diagonal 3) else { return false; } lets assume 1) didnt exist and u would reach this point at this point u have checked the horizontal line, the vertical line and (lets assume 2) is fixed) the diagonal lines for 0,0 if anyone would have won in a line not involving 0,0 u then here return a false negative and breaking the loops and return from the method 4) this one is not an error resulting in a wrong result, but a logical one: with these 2 nested loops u iterate over each cell of the board, and check each line. basically at 0,0 u test for 0,0 -> 0,1 -> 0,2 for 0,1 u test for 0,0 -> 0,1 -> 0,2 for 0,2 u test for 0,0 -> 0,1 -> 0,2 as well, so its ending up in redundant checks (this happens vertical, horizontal and for one diagonal right now) on how about to reach the answer's code ill get to in ~5min need a quick smoke back, so can u follow so far, or do u have any questions?
krixsick15mo ago
Oh thank you so much for the feedback, I get everything just expect for the last part, by for 0,2 u test for 0,0 -> 0,1 -> 0,2 My thought process was that that for loops would function like this, so it first does [0, j] and j gets looped 3 times, resulting in [0,0], [0,1], [0,2] Then it goes back to the outer loop and goes back to the inner loop again, resulting in [1,0], [1,1], [1,2]
cap5lut15mo ago
yeah, so with just the loop iterations (outer and inner combined) u basically visit every cell right?
krixsick15mo ago
cap5lut15mo ago
so for every cell u have this check: if(board[i,0] == board[i,1] && board[i,1] == board[i,2]) for example
krixsick15mo ago
Yes OH because if its true does the for outer loop reset? wait Nvm i think Im wrong
cap5lut15mo ago
basically with that if u check if the column i is a win column, right?
krixsick15mo ago
Yea Cause the i variable should be the same throughout So if its the same, it'll create a line of the same value making it considered a win i think
cap5lut15mo ago
but u check it for all cells, thus u check it for all cells of that column as well,
krixsick15mo ago
Ohh So im just constantly checking even if it does return something
cap5lut15mo ago
lets strip ur loops a bit down:
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
if(board[i,0] == board[i,1] && board[i,1] == board[i,2])
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
if(board[i,0] == board[i,1] && board[i,1] == board[i,2])
return true;
krixsick15mo ago
Wait then my diagonal checks should be outside the for loops cause looking back that doesn't make sense
cap5lut15mo ago
note that i is only 0 in that stripped down code
krixsick15mo ago
Ohh So it never goes to 1 or 2
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