How to resume my game in pause menu when I click the resume button?
So, I want to resume my game whenever I click on resume button, so that the game starts back again and the main audio of the game is playing back again.
11 Replies
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are you using Unity?
time.timeScale = 0 (or something around those lines) should do the trick for pausing, then setting it back to 1 when resuming the game
even if he's using Unity, DON'T pause your game with
Time.timeScale = 0
there are ways more proper to do thiswhats wrong with setting
to 0
?Unity's physices engine and bunch of other things tied to timeScale
and you'd end up with bunch of guard-clausing just to free them up from their lock states due to timeScale was set to 0
usually in my games that arent made in unity i just dont call the update method
problem with these youtube videos that keep telling people to use timeScale for pausing the game 😅
i think if you pause your game you also wan't your pyhsics to be paused....
Hey, guys! Thanks for joining but I found a way and i have solved it thanks anyway 🙂
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u can close it too, since ur the poster