Google Domain transfer to Cloudflare.

Hello! I have been using cloudflare as a trial run for the past week, and I have now been wondering, how i will transfer my domain completley, because at the moment i have it so my google domain, uses a custome hostname that points of Cloudflare's hotsnames (Image will be attached to show that), I've looked at dpcumentation for this, but its too intricate for me to understand that well. Also theres nothing for documentation on googles end to swap out on googles end, the closes i have gotten is seeing a unlock domain button (most likley to unlock it to swap over) then after unlocking it i now saw a "Transfer Out" button which gave me a weird code, i guessing when i pay that transfer fee i type that code in? Any help for answering questions that are probably quite obvious or just to help me would be apperciated. Danke schön
4 Replies
Transfer your domain to Cloudflare · Cloudflare Registrar docs
Transferring your domain to Cloudflare tells your registry that a different registrar can now set those authoritative records for you. The …
b-bear2y ago
Hello, is this website new (created within the last 60 days?) If it is not, you can begin the transfer process. With the transfer, you enter the code into Cloudflare once you are transferring it and are about to make your payment.
invraOP2y ago
yup, 14 days old, so i might transfer and pay the 10 AUD, by the way, is there a way to get the dorr unstuck crap i typed that because at school they broke a door and got it stuck is there a way to check the price of the domain as of using cloudflare*
b-bear2y ago
The website has to be at least 60 days old to initiate a transfer I was transferring my domain which is also .org and it was 10.11 USD Or, for you, 15.12 AUD Looked on VirusTotal it says that one scan was made 2022 December so I think you’re fine Also please don’t make this mistake, but I forgot to disable DNSSEC and now I have to go through this long rabbit hole to get it fixed.

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