how to render diff elements at once in vanila js

i have this api data what i want to have 7 diff p tags and every p tags should have maxtemp_c value how to achive this
7 Replies
13eck2y ago
Assuming that's an array of data, you could do something like this:
const data = []; // this is the result of the API call
// the .map() method creates a new array from data in
// the old array without changing the existing array
const toInject = (el) => {
// here we create a new paragraph element
const p = document.createElement("p");
// and set the text to be the data you want
p.textContent = `${}ºC`;
// return the element to be added to the new array
return p;

// selecting the element we want to append to
// then using the spread operator to add all elements
// created above to the parent element
const data = []; // this is the result of the API call
// the .map() method creates a new array from data in
// the old array without changing the existing array
const toInject = (el) => {
// here we create a new paragraph element
const p = document.createElement("p");
// and set the text to be the data you want
p.textContent = `${}ºC`;
// return the element to be added to the new array
return p;

// selecting the element we want to append to
// then using the spread operator to add all elements
// created above to the parent element
index.js:48 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'maxtemp_c')
13eck2y ago
You have to wait for the promise to resolve
let arr=[] const container = document.getElementById("weather-up"); const getForecast = async(city)=>{ let res = await fetch(${city}&days=7&aqi=no&alerts=no);
let data = await res.json(); arr.push(data.forecast.forecastday); const toInject =>{ const p = document.createElement('p'); p.textContent=${}; return p; }) container.append(...toInject) } my whole code
13eck2y ago
You’ll have to log the data, make sure it’s the way you expect it and make changes as needed I’m at work so I can’t be that helpful right now. Won’t be home for about 7hrs
No worries i'll figure it out
13eck2y ago
Ok, so I found the error: you're pushing the entire data.forecast.forecastday array into only one element of arr so there's nothing to loop over. Don't use an intermediate array, instead:
const toInject =
const toInject =
That way you map over the array given. In addition, for the future, please use codeblock syntax when sharing code, it makes it a lot easier to read as well as copy/paste. See #How To Ask Good Questions for the syntax.

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