11 Replies
because there are 1000 dns in dns field 😄

Cloudflare doesn't have a builtin way but use you can use https://cloudflare-utils.cyberjake.xyz/dns/purge/ to do it
how do i do this again with my hand?
What do you mean with your hand?
so how do i use it i am turkish so my english is not very good sorry
Ah no worries. Download the program from https://github.com/Cyb3r-Jak3/cloudflare-utils/releases/tag/v1.1.0-rc6 and extract it. Then run
cloudflare-utils --api-token <API Token with DNS:Edit> --zone-name <your.domain> dns-purge
and it will delete all recordsi can't run
opens in a split second, closes back
It is a command line tool there is no GUI. You need open a shell in the same directory to be able to run it

like this
thank you
all cleared ❤️