Image not loading when hosting on Vercel with TailwindCSS

I've recently added my own photo to the TailwindCSS config file and when I use it as a background, it loads and works perfectly fine when calling it in a className. After I pushed the commit and hosted the site, the image and content for that specific section does not appear at all. The photo is what it looks like when I'm in the development server, but it doesn't appear at all afterwards. Site:
1 Reply
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson2y ago
Is this the image that it is not loading "wave-haike (4).svg" ? It might be (just my first guess) due to the name. (edit - excuse my silly question - I see that you have included the name of the file in your second capture - I went straight to the URL) you should generally avoid spaces and special charaters in file names. Maybe Vercel is hacing an issue with it. I also notice that the actual path that Vercel is using to get the image is " (4).svg" - asides from the file name, does that look correct? "assets/src/assets/" looks a bit strange to me.

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