C#13mo ago

start an python script from an c# project

How can I start my python script from an c# project? My solution looks like this at the moment but not really sure how to let it run ( i'm testing some things so my solution explorer looks really bad....)
15 Replies
HimmDawg13mo ago
Should be as simple as running the script in a Process fluffyFoxThink
Chiyoko_S13mo ago
yeah just run the python script using the python interpreter you can do that in C# using Process although it is questionable why you'd want to do that? is it not possible to just have everything in C# or Python
bribri13mo ago
its more a testing thing
Chiyoko_S13mo ago
I see
bribri13mo ago
and how does process work? tried some things
Chiyoko_S13mo ago
it is pretty similar to how you execute files in command line you have a program, and you feed it arguments / etc to it to start executing in this case the program would be the python interpreter
bribri13mo ago
arion13mo ago
Process.Start("py", "myscript.py");
Process.Start("py", "myscript.py");
or python3, etc 1st parameter is the file, 2nd is the arguments
bribri13mo ago
yes thanks!!! finally works. Thank you so much!
arion13mo ago
Just remember that the method will fail if there is no python installed
bribri13mo ago
And how can I make it work if I want it to always work?
arion13mo ago
<:poi_shrug:582941309174546569> Ensure python is installed before running the method There's also other libraries like IronPython though I've never used python in c#
phaseshift13mo ago
Embed an archive of python3. Unpack it when your app starts. Lol
arion13mo ago
If you've never done embedding files into your program before, this tutorial explains pretty much exactly what you'd need to do https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/40e97e/saving-an-embedded-file-in-C-Sharp/ (Skip the first step of course "Step 1. Create a new Console Application")
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