C#2y ago

❔ Using STARTUPINFOEXW on PInvoke.CreateProcess - how to move from ref / out to pointer?

I'm using CsWin32 but I'm having trouble calling PInvoke.CreateProcess using a STARTUPINFOEXW instead of a STARTUPINFOW at argument 9 (in info). Looking at https://github.com/microsoft/CsWin32/issues/917 it says to instead of doing
PInvoke.CreateProcess(null, ref cmdLine, null, null, false, PROCESS_CREATION_FLAGS.EXTENDED_STARTUPINFO_PRESENT, null, null, in info, out var processInformation);
PInvoke.CreateProcess(null, ref cmdLine, null, null, false, PROCESS_CREATION_FLAGS.EXTENDED_STARTUPINFO_PRESENT, null, null, in info, out var processInformation);
I should use the variant using pointers... but I can't seem to figure out how to correctly refer to my Span<char> cmdLine = stackalloc char[execPath.Length]; and my STARTUPINFOEXW info = new STARTUPINFOEXW() using pointers or replacing out var with pointers
9 Replies
Chiyoko_S2y ago
span - you can just take the pointer by doing Unsafe.AsPointer(ref MemoryMarshal.AsRef(cmdLine)) ...or just do char* cmdLine = stackalloc char[...] out T name is just glorified T* so just do &info
FrodolonOP2y ago
This is the signature of the pointer variant btw
FrodolonOP2y ago
Ok, I managed to get a char* through fixed (char* cmdLine = execPath) { /* code */ }
ero2y ago
or just do char* cmdLine = stackalloc char[...]
FrodolonOP2y ago
I already had another string Really, the main problem is Visual Studio displaying the error messages for the version using refs etc. making the error messages utterly useless This feels like it should work:
string execPath = "notepad.exe\0";
nuint* size = default;
PInvoke.InitializeProcThreadAttributeList(default, 1, 0, size);
info.lpAttributeList = (LPPROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_LIST)Windows.Win32.PInvoke.LocalAlloc(0, (nuint)size).Value;
fixed (char* cmdLine = execPath)
PROCESS_INFORMATION* procInfoPtr = default;
PInvoke.CreateProcess(null, cmdLine, null, null, false, PROCESS_CREATION_FLAGS.EXTENDED_STARTUPINFO_PRESENT, null, null, &info, procInfoPtr);
string execPath = "notepad.exe\0";
nuint* size = default;
PInvoke.InitializeProcThreadAttributeList(default, 1, 0, size);
info.lpAttributeList = (LPPROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_LIST)Windows.Win32.PInvoke.LocalAlloc(0, (nuint)size).Value;
fixed (char* cmdLine = execPath)
PROCESS_INFORMATION* procInfoPtr = default;
PInvoke.CreateProcess(null, cmdLine, null, null, false, PROCESS_CREATION_FLAGS.EXTENDED_STARTUPINFO_PRESENT, null, null, &info, procInfoPtr);
It still complains about the CreateProcess arguments though (Can't convert STARTUPINFOEXW to STARTUPINFOW etc.) Ah, got it working: PInvoke.CreateProcess(null, cmdLine, null, null, false, PROCESS_CREATION_FLAGS.EXTENDED_STARTUPINFO_PRESENT, null, null, (STARTUPINFOW*)&info, procInfoPtr);
ero2y ago
good luck with that nuint* size = default; lol
FrodolonOP2y ago
Already fixed that :P Still doesn't work but runs Hmm, CreateProcess gives error 87 - The Parameter is Incorrect - the reason I'm even trying to do all this is that I'm trying to reimplement https://scorpiosoftware.net/2019/01/15/fun-with-appcontainers/ in C# to play around with AppContainers...
FrodolonOP2y ago
The Parameter is incorrect?
The Parameter is incorrect? GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
Accord2y ago
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