Cloudflare Pages Post-Build
Hello guys currently I like to create dynamic sitemap with qwik framework, I do follow next.js dynamic sitemap tutorial and require 'postBuild' feature. from what I know, postBuild are next js ecosystem so, there's any equivalent to run similar to approach postBuild function?
here's same kinda question i found.
Cloudflare Community
Moving files post-build for Svelte app in Cloudflare Pages
Hello! I have a Svelte build that is deployed to Pages via GitHub, and then build using “npm run build” and deployed from directory “/build”. There is a postbuild script which purges and minifies CSS, here: postbuild": "npx purgecss --css $(pwd)/build/css/.css --content $(pwd)/build/**/.html $(pwd)/build/*/.js --output $(pwd)/build/css &&...
1 Reply
Cloudflare Community
Running two build commands sequentially in Build configurations
Yep 🙂 This will work and what I’d recommend too