C#13mo ago

❔ WIndows Form .net 6 vs .net framework?

Team, I want to know what is the difference between Windows form .net 6 and .net framework.. anyhow both will work only in windows, then why they different?
12 Replies
ero13mo ago
Framework is deprecated
Shiv13mo ago
Still I am seeing the options in VS
ero13mo ago
Doesn't change the fact
jcotton4213mo ago
.NET is where all the development effort is focused these days the fact that the Framework templates aren't hidden by default is unfortunate imo
Denis13mo ago
WinForms is windows only, just like WPF. .NET Framework is a deprecated framework that has the latest version 4.8.1 and should no longer receive updates, unless it is a critical security update. .NET (or .NET Core, or .NET 5, 6, 7, etc.) is the new framework. Even though it allows you to build cross-platform applications, the GUI of WinForms and WPF are still bound to windows. Nevertheless, you can use cross-platform GUI like Avalonia or .NET MAUI to build apps for other platforms As you have probably noticed, the (.NET Framework) post-fix in the template title clearly identifies which template will generate you a project with the legacy framework
Shiv13mo ago
Got it ...Thanks all for the clarification.. So can I go with .net 6 and will I get full features of winforms? My doubt is : Is Winforms .net 6 fully matured to go for production ?
jcotton4213mo ago
yes and yes
Denis13mo ago
WinForms is a very mature GUI framework, yes.
Shiv13mo ago
Thanks for the confirmation.
Denis13mo ago
However, WPF might be a better choice, if you wish to have a more modern UI
Someone please correct me, if I'm wrong.
Just like for WPF, you can get styled UI components for WinForms from open-source and paid vendors. Nevertheless, it is much easier, imho, to create your own styles in WPF than in WinForms And there are simply more free options for WPF
Shiv13mo ago
No its a basic UI kind of app...Not UI driven app. So I can go for Winforms with telerik controls
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