DNS records "this hostname is not covered by a certificate"
Still have not solved this... causing a lot of pain. We do have universal certificate active, and we do have the correct CAA records set up (tangia.co):
18 Replies
It is only a UI issue or does it show there isn't a certificate if you visit one of the domains?
@Cyb3r-Jok3 cert issue
I also tried removing the caa records about 20 min ago, no change
Does it show you having a valid universal certificate here: https://dash.cloudflare.com/?to=/:account/:zone/ssl-tls/edge-certificates
Yes @Cyb3r-Jok3
This was a problem we had before and I added extra records to CAA which fixed it, but it seems to be back
huh, seems to only be an issue with the A record, https://leaderboard-frontend.cf.tangia.co/ works fine
It is me or is there no universal SSL certificate there
maybe I don't know what it looks like, but I do see that there is a disable button
The type would be universal. Try disabling for 5 minutes then re-enable to see if that gets the certifcate reissued
wouldn't that last one be uni?
assuming it validates, I think that might have been it
cert isn't ready yet, but the UI warnings went away
@Cyb3r-Jok3 do you know how long this should take?
all done!
thanks for the help 😄
although I am getting 521's on the icedb subdomain... lol
Does it work if you unproxy?
I think the server is actually borked right now, docker andport 80 stuff
Always fun lol
Iirc workers can't call non-standard ports so I got to get this working lol
works fine on 8090
working now 😄
appreciate the help!