Free vs Paid plan for Cloudflare Pages
Would it be worth paying for Cloudflare Pages from a latency / loading times perspective? I understand it yields lower latencies for Workers, but I am unsure whether this applies to Pages as well.
14 Replies
It shouldn't make a meaningful difference, even with Workers. The main thing the paid plans gives you in terms of speed for Workers, is a faster cold start time - which won't matter after the first request.
Paid plans will make sense if you want any of the Pro, etc. features, like Image Resizing, or TCP Turbo, etc.
I see, thanks!
Not really worth it
Unless you really need it
TCP Turbo isn't needed
Can't you already do that if you use your own domain?
Do what exactly?
Use your Pro plan features
or does it require paid workers plan
Pages takes whatever your highest paid plan across your account is
Wait is this just CF Pro

and not a separate product
yep exactly
Pages just uses your highest zone plan
meh, cloudflare pro is kinda useless unless you need tcp turbo
especially if your using pages
Enhanced HTTP/2 Prioritization should be free
CF & your browser will prioritize HTTP/2 always
'enhanced' my ass lol
The additional analytics are nice, custom error pages, etc. It'll all depend on your use-case and needs 🙂
Pro Plan is just a joke though
Paywalling joke features aside for two features
I don't even think Cloudflare profits off Pro, Business, and even Enterprise, but contracts with government agencies lmao
And better websocket limits if ya use em
page rules are also nice