C#2y ago

❔ signalR add user

How does it work? I don’t understand how do we add client to Clients inside a Hub. Could someone explain me?
21 Replies
mindhardt2y ago
Clients in terms of SignalR means all the existing connections to hub. They are created once someone connects to the underlying websocket (usually)
GergőOP2y ago
And with what data will the client be created?
mindhardt2y ago
By default clients only have their random connectionIds but you can do more if you override OnConnectionCreated and OnConnectionDeleted in hub class Names may be incorrent but basically this is it And from there you can access Context property
GergőOP2y ago
Ahhaa And context is httpContext?
mindhardt2y ago
No, HubContext but it has some similarities For instance, if you set up an authentication flow you can use User property Which is of default ClaimsPrincipal type, very same as in httpcontext
GergőOP2y ago
Is it ideal to make authentication on OnConnection to a Hub? Or when to make it?
mindhardt2y ago
You set up auth for your entire application And if you decorate your hub with [Authorize] it will not allow unauthenticated users to connect Pretty same as with controllers
GergőOP2y ago
Ah okay The auth part of the whole .net framework is kinda obscure I mean the built-in stuff I guess it would be ideal to use that But much easier to setup my own with middlewares
mindhardt2y ago
Setting up basic auth is really simple, there is a ton of guides for that You need Claims based auth for that Also, you might want to take a look at signalr hub groups, they ease sending events to several clients at once
GergőOP2y ago
Yeah I’m more interested in jwt stuffs
mindhardt2y ago
That is also doable, but if you want a decent auth you might want to take a look at identity framwork Or Duende Identity Server
GergőOP2y ago
Yeah, identity framework is my main concern.. lots of hidden stuffs and kinda obscure the whole thing
mindhardt2y ago
If you feel not comfortable with it just now there is nothing wrong with imlementing jwt yourself for learning purposes The sole concept of jwt is quite simple
GergőOP2y ago
Yeah, that’s a lot easier to do so 🙂 Do you know any good ress to learn identity fw ?
mindhardt2y ago
Not really, I learnt it hard way - by installing it via template and then trying to to things
Accord2y ago
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GergőOP2y ago
Identity framework is only for server side rendered apps? So it’s not for api’s only? 🤔
mindhardt2y ago
Not, it can work with external frontentd as well, I use it with blazor wasm
GergőOP2y ago
Hmm okay So basically the main idea is that you have a user class and you set up jwt auth through request header and then it’ll try to validate the token in the header based on your setup and then it’ll attach the created user from those details in the jwt(if they can match the provided user class) to the context?
mindhardt2y ago
Basically, when user authenticates, they recieve a special value - jwt token that they will send to server alongside their request data Usually jwt tokens have an expiry period so that user needs to reauthenticate every now and then And also jwt can provide a special value - refresh token that user can use to get a new jwt in a simplified way once original one expires Also, with signalr you cannot expect to get jwt from http headers since websockets are not http, so when using websockets jwt is included in query parameters
Accord2y ago
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