A basic react filter component

I have some checkboxes that I want to filter a .json with. There's three 'categories' or groupings of checkboxes; make, year, and color. https://github.com/nnall/Inventory/blob/main/src/filter.js One category: if multiple checkboxes are checked, then return matches for all. Ex; if multiple colors are are checked, make 'results' array a combination of matches of all selected colors. Between categories: its only a "match" if it satisfies both/all categories' checked values ^ This one has a problem though, which is situations where user selects multiple of one category and also selects another category.. or multiple in multiple categories? I ultimately want to be able to filter on 12 fields. THE SEARCHBAR I also have a searchbar whose text input has an onChange(), which with each triggers each peice of text entered to be immediately searched across 5 fields, and immediately returned in the results. I don't know how these two - searchbar & chekcboxes - would need to be reconciled with each other but I'm looking for guidance. At least with the checkboxes, for each category, I thought I'd output an array of matches just based on that category, and then, if multiple categories outputted arrays, I'd selected only matches that existed in all arrays. { "stock": "RZ239809", "year": "2017", "make": "Chevrolet", "model": "Cruze", "vin": "VINNUMBERHERE", "retailprice": "200.00", "color": "Gray", "location": "S05_Montgomery1", "class": "Car", "requireddown": "2100.00", "status": "Service", "photo": null },
Inventory/src/filter.js at main · nnall/Inventory
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