Disable Rate Limiting
Hi, there seems to be some rate limiting enabled, how can I disable this?

9 Replies
Looks like you have a rate limiting rule enabled. If you navigate to Security -> WAF -> Rate Limiting Rules, you should be able to see it
Magic Link: https://dash.cloudflare.com/?to=/:account/:zone/security/waf/rate-limiting-rules
none are turned on

That's interesting, as far as I understand the old/previous version should not be shown unless you have rules created for it/are on Enterprise. Is there anything else on that/anything when clicking enable?
I believe it may also show as rate limiting if you are using Workers/with a ton of requests from a single IP
no nothing else
That def looks like an old rate limiting rule blocking the request, if you click Enable rate limiting rules does it do anything otherr then prompt you to create a new rule? It looks like it should be showing them when it's not
no it doesn't
that worked
ty @chaika.me
oh it did, nice! Was it just not showing until you enabled it? Really weird
no not until I enabled it