Glowing font problem on Safari
Hi guys, I created a landing page for a client. Designer prepared a views in figma with glowing header effect. I copied values from figma and paste into my code but I have a strange problem on iphones with safari browser.
Gloving efect achieved with this code:
Normally it looks like in first screen but on iphones look like this:

3 Replies
I mean, it's kind of cool... I can confirm that I can recreate the issue... but I have no idea what's causing it. Turning off the
fixes the issue, in that the glow is on all the letters... For some reason, when that's used, all the shadows stack on top of each other on the last character of each line, which is super strange.... plus they seem to also be inset glows or something on the others... i donno.
Looked quickly and I don't see any bug reports on this, might be worth filing a bug report for the deal, indeed it didn't work, I managed to fix it with this:
ah, that's so annoying, but glad it worked