✅ Cant open .csporj
So i made a WFA and i want to edit the .csproj file but i cant open it
105 Replies
Check if
Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > General > Open project files with double-click or the Enter key when supported.
is checked.it is

If you right click and select
Edit Project File
does it open?im new to this where is that?

you made a legacy .NET Framework project
you cannot open those in VS without unloading the project first
again i and very new to this how do i do that
how do i not make a legacy .NET Framework project?
well, it would be helpful to know what exactly you wanted to do in the project file
you might be trying to do something that would not work unless you recreated the project
im trying to publish my project so i can turn it into a exe
are you trying to use PublishSingleFile or something like that
i put the lines in

yeah, that is not going to do anything
but i get this error

if you are using .NET Framework there is no such thing as publish single file
lol ok
its the only way my friend showed me
tho he showed me it for console apps
it works for a newer version of .NET, yes
this one is too old
how much coding have you done in this project so far
it might be easiest to just make a new project
its finished
okay, can you paste the csproj file
i will convert it to a newer version
and you will just delete the old csproj and replace it with mine
would you be able to teach me how?
for furture reference
it's not a super simple process. the easiest way is to select the right template next time when you make a new project
When creating a new project, prefer using .NET over .NET Framework, unless you have a very specific reason to be using .NET Framework.
.NET Framework is now legacy code and only get security fix updates, it no longer gets new features and is not recommended.
ok so for now on use WFA not WFA .NET Framework
yes, pretty much
got it
delete the entire csproj and replace it with that
dotnet publish?
it should work now, yes

oh, sorry
great no errors

looks good?
yeah. if you want to publishsinglefile you can do what the person asked you
well, actually
you should do
dotnet publish -c Release
because you are giving people the debug version otherwiseso i can just send someone the exe and it will work for them?
they might have to download .NET 7
what is i do this
and the dotnet publish -c Release
they would still have to download .NET 7, but if you do
then they wouldn't have to
but your exe will be extremely bigok
though, i will say... this application is simple enough that you did not need PublishSingleFile before
so rn i can send someone the exe and nothing else and they will just have to install .NET7 and it will work?
i mean, you can try it
thank you so much for your help
copy the exe to a different folder and try opening it
Please don't upload any potentially harmful files @PhoenixXeme, your message has been removed
you need to rename the file extension, otherwise the bot is not happy
you need to do
so for new projects i do

if you don't do it then you need to send the whole folder

you forgot the
never done html sorry
dose not even open for me now...
this looks like the same file as before
are you in the Debug folder
if you use
-c Release
you need to look in the Release folderi did it in C:\C# Projects\WFA_GuessingGame\WFA_GuessingGame
right, but the exe is in somewhere like
C:\C# Projects\WFA_GuessingGame\WFA_GuessingGame\bin\Debug\net7.0-windows\publish
i think you are copying it from the wrong one
if you passed
-c Release
i did
you need to look in
so cd to here C:\C# Projects\WFA_GuessingGame\WFA_GuessingGame\bin\Release
and dotnet publish -c Release?
you already ran
dotnet publish -c Release
, right?yea
then thee's no need to run it again
i am just saying that you are looking at an old version
i thought it replaced it
C:\C# Projects\WFA_GuessingGame\WFA_GuessingGame\bin\Debug\net7.0-windows\publishyou are copying from
but if you run dotnet publish -c Release
then your files will be in bin\Release

what one XD

so that exe
let me check something

did you add
oh. oh
do i need to?
sorry, they changed the way this works recently
if you want the small exe you should pass
to dotnet publish
so dotnet publish -c Realse --no-self-contained
then the exe will be 200kb or so, but you will need to download .NET
so do this?

please say it works

i cant thank you enough
these things can be kind of overwhelming but in the future you will get better as you learn more about how things work
yea i am very new to coding i started last week
and my friend had no idea and he has beening coding in C# for 4 years
but again thank you
heres my github incase you want to help me 😉
GitHub - PhoenixXeme/WFA-Guessing-Game: Guessing Game with GUI
Guessing Game with GUI. Contribute to PhoenixXeme/WFA-Guessing-Game development by creating an account on GitHub.
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