vandal skin?

Im not allowed to send my art somewhere else, i though i may could show it here to get vp? I fly wanna buy a skin 1755 vp?
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3 Replies
Ur local Cat
Ur local CatOP2y ago
Pixelッ2y ago
You can only get 50 vp per fanart. Why can't you send art anywhere else?I know you can do a ticket on there website or something and they will give you the vp you need, Limit of 50 VP so you need to do about 35 fanarts max VP all to get about that much I need to do 114 D:
Ur local Cat
Ur local CatOP2y ago
Thx for giving me that info :> Yea it was still fun to draw that vandal skin even its not rly good

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