CLI commands

I know it's in beta, but does anybody have any experience with npx @vue-storefront/cli generate store actually working? I tried to run it a couple of days ago and it got stuck on the screen attached. I killed it after something like 4 hours. I was also wondering how generate store is different from init. My understanding is that the first one should just generate a Magento store. Is the second one supposed to do the same thing or does it add anything extra?
1 Reply
skirianov2y ago
hey @krzysztof.wolowski the init and generate store commands are basically the same. Init runs generate store under the hood. From the terminal color I assume you run it on Linux, right? Can you try running it with sudo command? I had similar issue on linux Basically, when Magento is being installed under the hood it requires sudo access (root password) and I guess that this command is not being propagated up on linux devices

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