Can't use QuantV anymore?

Not sure what happened in the last 4 hours. But after restarting pc and coming back I get this message before joining the server. Then FiveM restarts with none of my mods loaded. Can we not use enhanced texture packs anymore?
24 Replies
foreign-sapphire2y ago
Yeah, im having that as well
Bourne2y ago
Pure Mode is essentially a FiveM feature where the intention are to disallow modifications of client files and combat possible cheaters to be able to join the session, with exceptions of whitelisted mods (Such as NVE).
foreign-sapphire2y ago
so, QuantV can't be used anymore?
Bourne2y ago
QuantV is not approved by Cfx from what I know, so no And since they had the incident of malicious files last year, I doubt they will be Here’s more info on what pure mode is:
nex2y ago
We’re trying to push for improvements to pure mode, given that it’s been a year since the last update to it We’re just testing to see what the response is from players in its current state
fascinating-indigo2y ago
is european roads allowed? all it changes is the roads
This is… oof. I am super sad that I’m paying for mods, Quantv, and I can’t even use said mod. The good share of my mods, Quantv, NVE, and others that add more trees and make my roads better, I can’t even use.
CyndellaOP2y ago
Well, that sucks. And QuantV is so much better than NVE D:
Honestly, not to be too aggressive, the response from the players isn't going to be good. As most, if not a good share of us are paying for Mods that we now can't even use. I'm not too happy about it tbh. I get the logistics behind it, and why... it's just sad really.
distinguished-blush2y ago
variable-lime2y ago
Bruh im used to seeing 700+ players on RSM.. Its dropped down to 450 players wut da hell
vicious-gold2y ago
at least we're getting pets catyes
distinguished-blush2y ago
Still waiting on my candy catfurious
nex2y ago
We peaked at 1k players on one server last night thank you very much You can use NVE as it’s a signed mod It’s also developed by someone that’s actually reputable and trustworthy rather than someone that has a history of corrupting your windows installation
It's been proven though, with the new updates for Quantv, are safe. They are no longer corrupted. I get why the turn on, but don't punish a whole server just to try and get change. In my eyes, this is a protest, against Fivem, and possibly even cheaters. Where, I understand the cheater concept, i always question why cheat in a game that's already modded for you? No need to cheat, don't want to go into PVP, go into Chill & Drift, simple. I get nothing's fair, but going into Pure mode just to try and push for an update for it, and to test to see what the response is like from players, as i said again, won't be good.
nex2y ago
We’re not punishing the whole server? The intention behind it is to reduce the amount of people that are modifying their game files to increase their HP, shoot through walls, remove props, etc Outside of your bubble that is the chill lobby, these things ruin the experience for every single other player The announcement we pushed out the other day regarding client mods should be clear enough on what is and isn’t allowed, this is just yet another step to prevent players from using everything that isn’t allowed If QuantV wants to reach out to and potentially get their mod signed, then they can try and do so, nothing is stopping them from simply asking If we don’t demonstrate the issues with pure mode in its current state, then the point will be missed and we will forever be stuck with its current flawed design where only NVE and other signed mods are allowed to be used in the mode that we intend to use it with
Yeah, pretty outside my bubble, as I've only stepped into pvp a handful of times ,for those reasons, cheaters. I was happy enough to not interact with any of them during that time. I 100% understand that announcement, specially with all the clear up about it and such. I guess i'm just, not mad at you for the decision, just at people deciding to mod to give themselves more, like you said. I'm not 100% sure they'll reach out, or if they have reached out already.
nex2y ago
And during that time, cheaters will have full reign over the server without any consequences unless we spend time and effort in tedious, hacky workarounds to try and counter them that will end up being worthless when we do decide to switch to pure mode
And again, kind of like a protest, not stopping until xyz happens.
nex2y ago
Not at all We enabled it, now we’re taking notes of people’s concerns until the next restart (which has already happened) takes place and resets it back to “off”
Oh, so pure mode is back in it's "off state"? or is it still on?
nex2y ago
It’s off, as is implied from my last message
and i understand as to why. taking notes, seeing what's happening, etc. i appreciate the clear up. and being civil. NODDERS was going to ask why not make your own, but i see my answer is in what Bourne linked.
LSG I salxking I BOSS
i mean as far as i know some ppl had some graphics mods, that made it literally look like an IR heat camera, and i like the fact, that this should be removed.

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