unable to spin pokestops off cooldown?
I've been off cooldown for a couple hours now and every so often I run into the issue of not being able to spin pokestops. I assumed maybe it was an issue with the Go+ but it still happens whether it's off or on. I've reset the game a couple of times too. The only thing that seems like it'll fix it is not playing for maybe 30 minutes or so and then coming back. Should I uninstall and reinstall Pgsharp?
7 Replies
Sometimes u hit a limit if u spin too many a day
Thats only if u spin like a ton tho
If u didnt do that
then idk
Oh I wonder if that's it because I has the Go+ going through Tokyo for a couple hours last night and this morning lmao okay thank you
Ya the limit is 1200 spins every 24 hours
@Clapz If you hit the limit everday your chance of getting banned goes up 💯
O shoot
could also be you left your go+ on and your inventory was full and you got spin banned. Happens to me all the time if I go afk