25 Replies
Excelsior as Stan Lee would say. This is better than the Mona Lisa. Incroyablement beau
I’m- im soft you’re so kind 😭😭🫶🫶 Merci amour, vous êtes un âme généreux
Merci beaucoup, c'est qui j'ai toujours été
@Auntie Beemo Bot 🍔

Is that a Tour de Force in your pocket or are you just happy to see me
hahahahhahahahhahahahahaa:KekwSob: :KekwSob: :KekwSob: :KekwSob: :KEKW: :KEKW:
I don’t think you’re seeing the drawing right lmao
It’s a leg
Ik ik
At first glance tho
fire chamber
Fr tho amazing art
thank you dear
merci ❤️
@Ri now draw him eating a croissant
I did
one moment

Now draw him eating a burger with me

Where me
You’re the happy meal
Very cool thank your Mr or Ms artist
I ady forgor too many people here
I am the it
I am bread itself