SVG still showing when the container height is 0

hey folks I have some SVG which I encapsulated in a div now when I set my div height to 0 some SVG icons does not show as expected but some are still showing little bit this is how I'm using them this is the code for one of the SVG which is not showing as expected and this is the code of one of the SVG which is till showing when the container height is 0
MystBin - EvaluatingImportDesigning
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MystBin - SimpsonsTheftHill
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MystBin - SellsLiableGoing
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3 Replies
Daryl2y ago
Hi! Can you give a shot using overflow-hidden in your containers (div)? For more information you can take a look to this article:
Sara Cope
overflow | CSS-Tricks
The overflow property controls what happens to content that breaks outside of its bounds: imagine a div in which you've explicitly set to be 200px wide, but
Aditya Kirad
Aditya KiradOP2y ago
yeah that would work but still I not able to understand why some icons are not showing as expected and why are some till showing when the height is 0
Mannix2y ago
height: 0 on parent won't affect svg inside it they will just overflow hence the provided solution of overflow: hidden

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