
Hello. Iam new in lavaclient and I propably dont really undersnatd one of important parts of the lib. What should I do here in nodes?
const lavaclient = new Cluster({
nodes: [],
sendGatewayPayload: (id, payload) => client.guilds.cache.get(id)?.shard?.send(payload),
const lavaclient = new Cluster({
nodes: [],
sendGatewayPayload: (id, payload) => client.guilds.cache.get(id)?.shard?.send(payload),
Someway I figure out that is somehow refers to but I dont really understad it. I use NodeJS and TypeScript. This code is part of my lavaclient.ts
GitHub - lavalink-devs/Lavalink: Standalone audio sending node base...
Standalone audio sending node based on Lavaplayer. - GitHub - lavalink-devs/Lavalink: Standalone audio sending node based on Lavaplayer.
1 Reply
lickm3OP•2y ago
I know its can sounds dump, but I never really worked with this part of discord bot developing and I started with lavaclient yesterday 😄 @team

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