Strange difference between ::before and ::after

I was taking a look at this post by @Pat66 regarding an issue they were having with a pseudo element. Asides from their issue (which @mannix_ quickly provided a solution for) I noticed something else. Pat66 had set text-transform: capitalize; on the "a" tag. This worked correctly on the first link but not on the second link. If I removed the pseudo after element the capitalise worked as expected. This led me to assume that something was broken in the CSS of the pseudo element however, if I changed it to a "::before" rather than an "::after", the capitalisation worked correctly. In summary, ::after appears to break the capitalisation on all but the first <a> element. Observations: - This appears to only affect <a> tags. - text-transform: lowercase; works as expected (I haven't tried other variations) Does anybody know why this might be? It is probably something obvious but I can't see it... I have set up a bare-bones codepen to demonstrate the issue: This is not something that I need to resolve, I just found it interesting.
4 Replies
Mannix2y ago
it seems to be a firefox issue in chrome it works as expected dunno about safari
Chris Bolson
Chris BolsonOP2y ago
ah, good point... I didn't test it in Chrome... beginners mistake 🤦‍♂️ (Firefox) Interestingly, if I place some text in the content of the pseudo element, this does get the capitalisation (which I would expect as it is inherited)
Kevin Powell
Kevin Powell2y ago
That might be worth filing a bug report for Really strange I did a quick search and didn't see anything, so you could basically use what you wrote here and file one:*1ckts7z*_ga*MTkxMjM5MjAyMC4xNTg1ODQyMjgz*_ga_2VC139B3XV*MTY4NjE2NzI4My4yLjAuMTY4NjE2NzI4My4wLjAuMA..
Chris Bolson
Chris BolsonOP2y ago
Thanks for looking into that @Kevin I couldn't find anything either. I'll file that 🪲 Update - this has been confirmed as a bug, It appears to be related to lack of whitespace between elements (not only in the case of a pseudo element).

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