New and confused
Started yesterday. I saved my car, handling settings, and my appearance but every time I log out I lose all of the things that I saved. I made sure to double check that I did.. This has happend 2 times now and Im not sure what Im doing wrong. I also dont know how to log out of the server guess ima mega noob. do I just alt f4 like I would on regular gta? or is there somthing else that I need to do to leave "properly"
3 Replies
To leave the server you can press F8 and type quit into the console
For your vehicle’s handling settings make sure you enable Handling Preset in Save Vehicle Options you can also apply handling settings from Saved Vehicles. For your appearance Enable Restore Player Appearance/Respawn as Default MP Character once you’ve saved your Ped from MP Ped Customization then Save Personal Settings under Misc Settings. You can also Alt + F4 or Leave from what Bearey had said, Misc Settings - Connection Options is another method of leaving.
extended-salmonOP•2y ago
It worked! Thanks for the help