Kyselyโ€ข2y ago

Unable to insert geometry Postgres

Hey everyone ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป Greetings! I am trying to insert point data into my Postgresql table but getting error: parse error - invalid geometry error. Here is the code
await this.db.insertInto("location")
name: "Anom",
coordinates: point({ x: -71.060316, y: 48.432044 })
await this.db.insertInto("location")
name: "Anom",
coordinates: point({ x: -71.060316, y: 48.432044 })
and here is the schema:
export interface LocationTable {
id: Generated<string>;
name: string;
coordinates: Point;

export interface Point {
x: number;
y: number;

export function point(pt: Point): RawBuilder<Point> {
const point = `(${pt.x},${pt.y})`;
return sql<Point>`${point}`;
export interface LocationTable {
id: Generated<string>;
name: string;
coordinates: Point;

export interface Point {
x: number;
y: number;

export function point(pt: Point): RawBuilder<Point> {
const point = `(${pt.x},${pt.y})`;
return sql<Point>`${point}`;
and here is my database schema:
"id" UUID NOT NULL DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(),
"name" VARCHAR,
"coordinates" geometry(Point, 4326)
"id" UUID NOT NULL DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(),
"name" VARCHAR,
"coordinates" geometry(Point, 4326)
i tried solution provided by @koskimas in the https://github.com/kysely-org/kysely/issues/133#issuecomment-1209233409 but no luck. attaching the log generated by kysely Query: insert into "location" ("name", "coordinates") values ($1, $2) returning * [91.9 ms] $1: Anom $2: (-71.060316,48.432044) Unable to figure out whats wrong. Thanks.
Postgres point type support for insert queries ยท Issue #133 ยท kysel...
I am using kysely with the PostgresDialect configuration as const db = new Kysely<Database>({ dialect: new PostgresDialect({ pool, }), plugins: [new CamelCasePlugin()], }); I am also using po...
4 Replies
koskimasโ€ข2y ago
Does this work
export function point(pt: Point) {
return sql<Point>`ST_MakePoint(${pt.x}, ${pt.y})`;
export function point(pt: Point) {
return sql<Point>`ST_MakePoint(${pt.x}, ${pt.y})`;
or this
export function point(pt: Point) {
return sql<Point>`ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(${pt.x},${pt.y}), 4326))`;
export function point(pt: Point) {
return sql<Point>`ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(${pt.x},${pt.y}), 4326))`;
I'm just googling stuff here
SwapOPโ€ข2y ago
Hey @koskimas , thanks for the reply. Both solutions are working as expected and i am able to insert point :). i am using following code to retrieve stored coordinates from the database
await this.db.selectFrom("location")
.where(sql`ST_DWithin( coordinates::geography,ST_MakePoint(${lat},${long}),8000)`)
await this.db.selectFrom("location")
.where(sql`ST_DWithin( coordinates::geography,ST_MakePoint(${lat},${long}),8000)`)
Above code is working as exepected but, i was wondering is there any other better approach for the above query?
koskimasโ€ข2y ago
I don't know if this is better but you could do this https://kyse.link/?p=s&i=Jezrbtdk2cOJeCymdl3b I didn't run the code so there might be some bugs But you get the gist. You can create helpers for everything to clean up the code and make it (relatively) type-safe
SwapOPโ€ข2y ago
Thanks @koskimas , it is more typesafe now. I really appreciate your time and efforts to build this wonderful library. ๐Ÿ™‚

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