Not able to connect with WARP due to "port 53 bound"
Hi, I see this issue has been referred many times, but I don't find a good solution yet. I feel there must be a lot of people using WARP on macOS, so I'm wondering how people get around this.
Not able to connect via WARP, got error message "port 53 bound"
is taking the port 53, I've tried to kill it via sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder
but that didn't work. Another thing is I believe mDNSResponder
is used for device discovery which is probably depended by many core services (like Airdrop, continuity features?). So, I'm not sure if I really want to sacrifice the feature just to be connected with WARP (I feel there is a better way to handle this)
Help needed 😬9 Replies
bump this up to get more attention
curious if other Mac users have encountered this issue before.
I can raise this with the warp client team on Monday, I used to work on this. I don't know the current logic around DNS construction, but if its similar to how things worked when I was on the team, it might not be compatible with airdrop.
Either way this should at least be better documented than it currently is.
Thanks for raising this with the warp team!
I'm a bit surprised that it's not compatible with mac that has airdrop enabled, sounds like a very common setup for most mac users (maybe include enterprise employees as well). Curious other mac users work around this
hi @nomaxx117 just curious if there are any follow up (like documentation or something). This blocks us to use WARP on mac
Curious to know if there's anymore info on this as well. This has also been a blocker for me. Haven't found a way to reliably work around it or resolve it.
@louieyq Did you confirm that Airdrop was the issue? In my case, I still experienced the same issue even with it disabled.
no, I haven''t get it worked. I can't disable Airdrop because I really need it. so I'm really stuck here.
for me, I'm successfully running warp with gateway on my mac with airdrop enabled
I've used AirDrop with WARP running, let alone having it simply enabled.
Perhaps you could run
sudo lsof -i :53
to check which service is using the port?
I always have the
running, even if I tried all the things people mentioned in Community
ZeroTrust - Unable to connect - Port 53 Bound
@kannanaut that’s an interesting one. Try disabling everything in ‘Sharing’ and then: sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder If you have docker or another virtualization software running, try to exit it. ps ax|grep -i docker|egrep -iv 'grep|com.docker.vmnetd'|awk '{print $1}'|xargs kill then, try: sudo netstat -vanp tcp | grep ".53 " netstat -van...
im having the same issue here