Pages limit
Hello, trying to use cloudflare pages to get websites on it.
But it wont let me subscribe to business plan & restricts to 100 websites even though it literally says can do unlimited websites.
27 Replies
If you have a Business zone, you're on the Business plan. We take the highest paid zone on your account
As for the project limit, we have a soft limit of 100. What's your account ID? We can lift it
Hello, its : 623a0dc0ca303a3d7deb262695901e4f
HAR files can contain sensitive information so I've removed that, sorry 😦 @walshydev will take a look when he can
Ok, thanks
Thanks, what's your use case?
We are using Astro to create websites, and want to scale a lot. For that I already have opened up a conversation with your sales team.
But for now, just looking to get that unlimited ability for pages & get on Buisness Plan too
Thank you. Whats the new limit and how can that be checked
It's unlimited
One other issue, I cannot seem to upgrade. Here is a video of it :
It uses the highest plan in your account
i.e go to a website in your account:, scroll down and under Active Subscriptions on the right, click "Change" next to free plan, select Pro/Biz
probably want to put Business on your primary website though, not just any. The plans are website specific (i.e only that specific website will become Business)
How do I do that for my primary zone & website? How do I identify that?
Sorry If I was a bit confusing.
Zone = a domain/website you added within Cloudflare, to be simple. The websites under the "Websites" tab, those are what zones are.
I was just saying, the plan you pick for a domain is just for that domain, so I would upgrade the domain you use the most (if you have more then one)
Oh sorry, I want to get this business plan :
Cloudflare Pages
Build your next application with Cloudflare Pages
Cloudflare Pages Plans are from the highest plan you have for a website within your account
So if I get a business plan on any domain, I get pages Business?
Ok, is there anything on the dashboard that shows me my current limitations?
And how can I get on more builds per month & concurrent builds?
Like information about how many builds you've used/ concurrent builds? No
Yes, can that information be fetched from the API?
Not as far as I know
More builds / concurrent builds? Enterprise for sure could get more, generally any enterprise limits can be raised/lifted if you talk to your account team. If you're not Enterprise, not sure. Walshy would be able to answer more about that. Perhaps if you explain your use case to them, they might be able to raise some of those limits
Yeah sure, allow me to introduce the company and myself.
I am the head of engineering for Locafy, which is a company based in Perth, Australia and is Nasdaq listed.
I am Umair Ehsan, I live in Sydney
We have this framework and we are integrating it with cloudflare to generate websites for people in an optimized manner in terms of SEO, specifically, local SEO
Hello, any update regarding this? Thanks
<@453920106498621451> Hi, I have the same issue too, My account ID is 32a84f2446b8a0c21a59f19e6b8b9f6a, I'm in business plan. Can you help me to increase the pages soft limit?
@ChaikaHi, Can you help me?
If you are on business plan then your best bet is to open a ticket
My pages plan is business. My Cloudflare account is free plan.
Pages uses your highest zone on the account for your limits. What do you mean? If you have business limits, you must have a business zone, and therefore the best bet is to open a ticket
My mistake, I'm in free plan. I paid the pages.