Error On Build: Failed to publish your Function. Got error: multipart: message too large
As title says, I get this error when trying to deploy my NextJS app, attached is the folder size of the _workers folder and the zipped size
I'm on workers paid plan and current build works on vercel.
11 Replies
@5927 10 MB
I'm not even sure how its that big tbh only libs im using are stripe, @planetscale/database and svix
I told them to open a new question thread because he should be within limits with his zipped size, so I'm a bit confused by the error message personally 🙈
That isn't a worker too large though
That's a part too large
We don't upload the parts zipped AFAIK
So we're probably hitting limits there
Oh really, interesting - hard to know exactly how the new worker.js dir works
So should I just go through the entire folder and check the file sizes? 🙈
so thats the biggest files in there
I just tried deploying a test app that uses wasm, through wrangler@3, and had success. The wasm files in that were 1.7mb and 1.4mb. So, I don't really see how a 1.3mb wasm file would cause an issue
Hmmn very weird seems like I stumbled into a weird edge case again..
Thanks for the help, I guess I just wait for now and try to build once in a few days