hexagon button with border-radius and border using trigonometry

I'm trying to make a perfectly customizable hexagonal button using just css. So far I still have to use 2 magic numbers for height and translateX. I dunno what's wrong with my math <:pepo_cry:804221412172365834> https://play.tailwindcss.com/1gE4l0GgpT?file=css
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36 Replies
phyrasaur14mo ago
I give up, I think I'm fighting subpixel aliasing https://play.tailwindcss.com/GD70a5pOaw?file=css
Tailwind Play
Tailwind Play
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capt_uhu14mo ago
@phyrasaur this is another use case for the hopefully up coming corner-shape property. Feel free to drop the example in this thread: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6980
phyrasaur14mo ago
ohhh noice how about merging the ability of border-image to slice with corner-shape blobthink
phyrasaur14mo ago
Tailwind Play
Tailwind Play
An advanced online playground for Tailwind CSS that lets you use all of Tailwind's build-time features directly in the browser.
phyrasaur14mo ago
Tailwind Play
Tailwind Play
An advanced online playground for Tailwind CSS that lets you use all of Tailwind's build-time features directly in the browser.
phyrasaur14mo ago
but ^ this one is mostly tailwind
capt_uhu14mo ago
Here's a paint api demo of the basic corner-shape idea. You can inspect to edit corner-size and corner-shape as custom props. Works best on chrome at the moment since no other browser natively supports paint() yet.... Just a warning that there's a crashing bug in chrome right now that you might run into. what do you mean by "border-image to slice with corner-shape"
capt_uhu14mo ago
CSS corner-shape Paint API polyfill
A demo of what CSS corner-shape could be/do with the Paint API.
phyrasaur14mo ago
oh, I thought chrome has supported it?
phyrasaur14mo ago
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phyrasaur14mo ago
they use paint() for the squircle CTA
phyrasaur14mo ago
chrome vs ff
phyrasaur14mo ago
Rather than just 4 corners, we can customize the border sides? Like for a border-image we can slice an image into 9 parts for 4 corners, 4sides and 1 center
phyrasaur14mo ago
imagine if we can do side-inline-radius or something and do this easily
phyrasaur14mo ago
btw, I wish polygon can has a third argument for each coordinate for vertex radius Sappy
phyrasaur14mo ago
For now the closest is to use path, imagine if we can use polygon to make something like this https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24771828/how-to-calculate-rounded-corners-for-a-polygon
Stack Overflow
How to calculate rounded corners for a polygon?
I'm looking for an algorithm that allows me to create rounded corners from a polygon. I have an array of points that represents the polygon (outlined in red) and on output I want an array of points...
phyrasaur14mo ago
all vector programs have it but it's not easy to do it on the web
capt_uhu14mo ago
yep, chrome has supported paint() for ages but they made some change in v 111 that's breaking some of them. They are working on a fix. thanks for the https://www.forbusiness.viber.com/en/ link that's the first live squircle i've seen. since this involves more than just corners corner-shape isn't really what you'd want here really. There has also been converstion about an element-shape property that would use the same css shapes as clip path feel free to open an issue on https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues I don't think that's a thing that has been proposed yet
phyrasaur14mo ago
ohh, element-shape sounds nice btw url(#clipPath) doesn't work with clipPathUnits="objectBoundingBox" or else it would be easy to make an svg based clip-path that's responsive Actually I'm just a designer. The impostor syndrome is at stake here Sappy
capt_uhu14mo ago
you reminded me that I was asked to open a similar issue a while back. So it's here now: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8883. If you have a github account it would be nice to have a thumbs up. Would you mind if I included your example from above?
phyrasaur14mo ago
Feel free to use it! Done thumbs up 👍 I don't even have a repo just an empty account 😅
phyrasaur14mo ago
Smol update, ff doesn't like rotated clip-path. I forgot the same effect that I want with clip-path can be achieved using background-clip: padding box https://play.tailwindcss.com/6DHIqIBcLE?file=css
Tailwind Play
Tailwind Play
An advanced online playground for Tailwind CSS that lets you use all of Tailwind's build-time features directly in the browser.
capt_uhu14mo ago
beyond the very basics clip-path is kinda of a mess right now. It's on Interop2023 so should hopefully get cleaned up this year. https://wpt.fyi/interop-2023?feature=interop-2023-cssmasking (it's under masking). Not sure if there's a specific test for objectBoundingBox. You'd have to have a look.
phyrasaur14mo ago
wpt/clip-path-userspaceonuse-001.svg at master · web-platform-tests...
Test suites for Web platform specs — including WHATWG, W3C, and others - wpt/clip-path-userspaceonuse-001.svg at master · web-platform-tests/wpt
phyrasaur14mo ago
we need to use decimal to denote percentage to use it in css Thank you! I think I want to experiment with something
phyrasaur14mo ago
Tailwind Play
Tailwind Play
An advanced online playground for Tailwind CSS that lets you use all of Tailwind's build-time features directly in the browser.
phyrasaur14mo ago
okay it worksss sorry for bothering you so now I need to figure out how to make rounded corners for a hexagon using js Sappy
phyrasaur14mo ago
I didn't read to the end blobsweat
phyrasaur14mo ago
okay but why path() cannot take decimals? am I doing something wrong? https://play.tailwindcss.com/ZYRC2IZRgV?file=css
Tailwind Play
Tailwind Play
An advanced online playground for Tailwind CSS that lets you use all of Tailwind's build-time features directly in the browser.
phyrasaur14mo ago
clip-path - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN
The clip-path CSS property creates a clipping region that sets what part of an element should be shown. Parts that are inside the region are shown, while those outside are hidden.
phyrasaur14mo ago
all tests for clip-path: path() (that I think is relevant?) don't use decimals https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt/blob/master/css/css-masking/clip-path/clip-path-path-003.html
wpt/clip-path-path-003.html at master · web-platform-tests/wpt
Test suites for Web platform specs — including WHATWG, W3C, and others - wpt/clip-path-path-003.html at master · web-platform-tests/wpt
phyrasaur14mo ago
if I can do clip-path: path() with decimals to denote percentages of the element's size, that would be the best right now I'm happy enough that I've found out I can use clip-path: url(#clipPath) with clipPathUnits="objectBoundingBox" using decimals blobshy I need path() to work with decimals so that I can use calc() inside ittttt arghhhh or rather than decimals, make it like polygon and the rest, we can use percentages? because I need fixed values for the left and right to be a specific size while the middle is relative percentages so that it takes up the whole element can I use calc() inside <path d=""?blobthink I cannot but isn't that d can be manipulated with css? blobthinkblobthink because d value is a <string>?
phyrasaur14mo ago
phyrasaur14mo ago
polygon is not
phyrasaur14mo ago
I need path to be able to accept percentages 😭
phyrasaur14mo ago
made a 1px half hexagon in figma so that I don't have to convert the values to decimals myself 😂 https://play.tailwindcss.com/yjdbbW9rEO?file=css
Tailwind Play
Tailwind Play
An advanced online playground for Tailwind CSS that lets you use all of Tailwind's build-time features directly in the browser.