C#14mo ago

❔ ✅ c# uml patterns

i need you to help me to recognize the patterns(5 patterns by images)
26 Replies
3E714mo ago
3E714mo ago
3E714mo ago
3E714mo ago
HimmDawg14mo ago
https://refactoring.guru/design-patterns/csharp Have you tried reading up on some patterns here? The page contains the most common ones
Design Patterns in C#
The catalog of annotated code examples of all design patterns, written in C#.
3E714mo ago
yes, i have tried, but i dont understand anything by images i just need to recognize the pattern its not a quiz
HimmDawg14mo ago
well you must have had a thought process where you found out that you cannot assign the images to any known pattern. so starting with the first: what did you think about this one?
3E714mo ago
why when im asking for help im getting like 10 questions, u have image just tell me the name of patter and i`ll implement
friedice14mo ago
Give a man a fish, and he'll be fed for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he'll be fed for a lifetime This also does seem like it's for academic purposes so just giving an answer wouldn't really help in the long run And most importantly, I have no idea what the requirements are when
3E714mo ago
agree but i have to do it today, so i need someone just to tell by the pictures what is the pattern showed on picture for example i have this picture and i need you to tell me which pattern is the most suitable here which one, and i need to implement it in code
Jimmacle14mo ago
no handouts allowed bonk here to help you learn, not do it for you
3E714mo ago
how can u help me with learning something? nonsense ok nvm
Pobiega14mo ago
uhm... what do you think teachers and mentors do exactly? also, we're not here to do your homework
3E714mo ago
basically nobody knows anything, the task i gave is very simple is like 20 seconds for good programmers and u all asking 20 question and wasting time by typing, crazy, didnt expect
Pobiega14mo ago
This isnt even C# related.
Jimmacle14mo ago
if it's very simple then i'm sure you can do it
3E714mo ago
so basically u are saying its not easy?
Jimmacle14mo ago
i'm saying trying to bully people into giving you the answers isn't going to work
Pobiega14mo ago
you are the one claiming it takes 20 seconds, so just do it in 20 seconds then. You will not get the answers from here. Thats not how this discord operates. $spoonfeed
Pobiega14mo ago
we don't do this
3E714mo ago
EVEN NOT PROGRAMMERS KNOWS WHAT EZ AND WHAT IS HARD, i know that programmers, NOT "programmers" can answer this in literally minute, u just see fucking image and u know its fucking factory pattern or whatever but u just have nothing to say but "bruh we cant give u an answer just help learning" rly? do u rly think u can help someone by replying on discord? suckers
Scratch14mo ago
!tempmute @wqqsdq 24h asking for homework help We really don't appreciate being told to answer your homework questions. !ban @wqqsdq harassment in dms after mute
Jimmacle14mo ago
children Harold
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese14mo ago
Well that escalated quickly
Accord14mo ago
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