When Purchasing my domain name, i received an error.
Im not sure what happened but after purchasing my domain through cloudflare registar, i go this error.

9 Replies
What does it show in the registrar tab as?
in the domain page or domain regeneration page
The Manage Domains page, magic link: https://dash.cloudflare.com/?to=/:account/domains/
ok the domain dose not show up in the list even though i ordered it just 5 minutes ago.
i can either re order it or wait for the dns issue.
what do you mean "ordered it"?
Did you pay? What button did you click?
i went to https://dash.cloudflare.com/62d299f3431f8ee4179f19e25d0468bf/domains/register and paid for the domain name in the image
then i got this error and some error.

Interesting, well that explains it. Were you the one that manually added the domain to your account after? or
Ok. Just had to re order/purchase the domain name