Any good reason to continue jQuery?

I have been too much adjusted to jQuery eventhough es6+ is an option, the animations are so easy to use... I have also been trying to replicate jQuery any suggestions? BTW the jquery min js would be fast enough right?
4 Replies
Jochem2y ago
I haven't messed with animations much beyond just using CSS transition, but if that's not enough I'd recommend using a different js animation library or just writing your own. As for the rest of jQuery, 90% of its use is replaced by just doing this at the top of your scripts:
const $ = document.querySelector;
const $ = document.querySelector;
13eck2y ago
Most of what made jQuery great is now part of the language spec, so newer sites can use the language and not need to load KBs or more of a library to get the same use. If you plan on supporting Wordpress or existing sites that use it then keep on, since maintenance rarely allowed to complete re-writes
MEOP2y ago
Isn't that going to be a static selection?
Jochem2y ago
It's just creating an alias. I wouldn't necessarily using it though, it's not very readable

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