Nuxt (3.5.0) SSG rendered HTML differs on a custom domain.

Hi, I'm facing a rather weird issue where I don't really understand where it's coming from but am suspecting it has something to do with Cloudflare. Somehow the website content on my custom domain differs from The content served by the custom domain is different (in a visually breaking way) while its is fully server side generated HTML. I have verified this difference by examining both response bodies with Postman. Specific components are somehow rerendered and comments indicating conditional renders are not present in the HTML returned by the custom domain which indicate to me this is not a Nuxt issue? I tried various possible solutions and non of them have worked. - Use the beta build image - Upgrade Nuxt - Reconnect the custom domain - Purge the zone cache Could somebody please take a look, thanks!
1 Reply
kapsalonkipOP2y ago
Okay will try

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