How to set fixed background-image

I'm having an issue with this particular front-end mentor project I want background patterns to have fixed positions, but It seems like I can't maintain responsiveness, The image disappears when I try on the small screen,
Frontend Mentor
Frontend Mentor | Profile card component coding challenge
This is a perfect challenge to test your layout skills. The card layout doesn't shift, so it's also great for those that haven't dived into responsive websites yet!
7 Replies
b1mind14mo ago
I did this one for funzies and used Grid to layer them. vs a background-image*
Abdur Rahman
Abdur Rahman14mo ago
How bro
b1mind14mo ago
I can link the codepen if you'd like. I didn't since its a challenge. Best would be to make a demo/codepen of what you are having issues with.
Abdur Rahman
Abdur Rahman14mo ago
Can you send the link, I'm just facing this particular issue
b1mind14mo ago
oh looking at it I used absolute and transform 🤷‍♂️ and grid positioning xD
Abdur Rahman
Abdur Rahman14mo ago
Thanks, man, I really Appreciate it