C#14mo ago

❔ It don't work I'm a Unity beginner.

26 Replies
L-I-V-E-2DAY14mo ago
whats the error, thats a good place to start
Cerius14mo ago
Pobiega14mo ago
so you can't just add them together
Cerius14mo ago
Cerius14mo ago
clxs14mo ago
You dont add quaternions, you multiply them
Cerius14mo ago
There is a GameObjects that holds a camera as a child.
Cattywampus14mo ago
yes, you multiply them...
Cerius14mo ago
What? It makes no sence? You can add Vectors why not Vector4(Quaternions)
clxs14mo ago
Quaternions don't represent a rotation in the way you're picture, a set of Eulerian rotations you're thinking of They're much closer to a Matrix representing the transform of a point And just like matricies, you multiply them to combine multiple of these "orders"
Cerius14mo ago
I see three values of a rotation x, y, z so it is a Vector3 not a Quaternion
clxs14mo ago
So rotation = rotation * quat; will give you a rotation that's the result of rotation + quaternion
Cerius14mo ago
Thank you
clxs14mo ago
That might be the editor simplifying it, but .rotation is a Quaternion instead of an eulerian rotaiton
Cerius14mo ago
Cerius14mo ago
It don't work again
L-I-V-E-2DAY14mo ago
again, instead of "It don't work" what is the actual error it is giving you it don't work tells us virtually nothing
Cerius14mo ago
Ok thank you It don't work.
clxs14mo ago
What error does it give
Cerius14mo ago
Cerius14mo ago
I actually want that I can control the camera with the mouse. Camera Pivot Point manipulate Y and Z axis with mouse and with a lerp. This is possible if you are in the outside camera mode and you can change the mode with the C key. I want that the center of the mouse position on screen and press right click. the y axis doesn't change but if I move the mouse to the right, it chances the y rotation of the camera positive and at the other side negative. This is what I want try to implement.
Cerius14mo ago
At rotation -180 it says -1 which makes no sence
Cerius14mo ago
I think you have to study maths to use Unity. It is too hard for hobbyists to use it.
Anton14mo ago
you can create quaternions from euler angles that's probably what you're looking for euler angles are the rotations about each of the axes
Accord14mo ago
Looks like nothing has happened here. I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.
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