Blog thumbnail looks bad - object-position?

Hey guys, beginner here, I am trying to fix my blog thumbnails on and I tried object-fit, object-position but I really can't manage. I'm trying to make the image fit nicer inside the square. I guess "cover" is what I'm looking for, but I tried a lot of things in inspector and I can't manage. Help?
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9 Replies
ghostmonkey2y ago
.sa-blog-grid .vc_gitem-zone { background: white !important; background-color: white; background-position-x: 0%; background-position-y: 0%; background-repeat: repeat; background-attachment: scroll; background-image: none; background-size: auto; background-origin: padding-box; background-clip: border-box; background-image: none; } this is the class that is setting it to auto if you disable this and add cover instead, it will display the entire image but this is wordpress, so you may not have any control over this element
ghostmonkey2y ago
ghostmonkey2y ago
here is that middle image on cover
ghostmonkey2y ago
ghostmonkey2y ago
and this is it set to 'contain'
ChrisBarinOP2y ago
thank you trying it right now @ghostmonkey do I simply remove all that code? sorry for the silly question I'm not finding that bit of code anywhere in visual code
ghostmonkey2y ago
based on the name, i assume it's from a plugin or part of whatever theme you are using not sure how you would even look for it in visual code
ghostmonkey2y ago
Plugin Directory
Post Grid Combo
Post Grid Combo is extremely easy to use for creating grid-layout and post-layout. Also, we're offering many small blocks with extensive flexibil …
ghostmonkey2y ago
is it this one maybe? assuming yes, according to the documentation for this plugin, somewhere in the settings, will be a section for 'image blocks' where you can specify thumbnail sizes etc and if you can't specifically set it to 'conver' or 'contain', then the next best solution is to specify the size in px and then resize the images you want to use as thumbnails to the same px

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